Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So.. i went for an interview on Monday at Menara Mutiara Bangsar. Should i talk about the getting there part? nah.. i shall spare it.. i will only talk about what he asked and what i answered... :)

1) Why Psychology?
Well, i chose psychology because i wanted to get to know more about people. And by that, hopefully i would be able to help them (before i answered this, i actually talked about my childhood dream - to be a sailor XD)

2)So what have u done with psychology?
I recently did a research on autism, how is the condition in Malaysia

3) So what have you found out
OK.. so this is the boring part.. i shall not make u bored and i shall skip it.. he asked a lot of questions about autism by the way

4) Do you know the theory of mind?
me - Nope
interviewer - it is when the child cannot put themselves into other people and see from their perspective. that is the reason children are autistic
(i soooo want to interject by saying yes yes.. i remember it, i seriously remembered it, but then i didn't say it out)

5) Why Teambuilders?
Cause this company provides training for people and that is what i want to learn. How to help people and at the same time enhance my communication skills. and.. to be honest, teambuilders are the few companies which have a minimum salary
(at this moment, chew chien, the girl who is taking down whatever i says said 'very honest' while giggling away)

6) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Well, I see myself graduating and then i will be joining Catholic Counselor and Therapies of Malysia (CCTM). By the time i graduate, i can't really be a practitioner yet, but hopefully i can be an assistant. Maybe be in a room to observe while practitioners do their stuffs

7) Who is your hero? (random question)
Definitely my dad. He is a single parent. My mum passed away in 1998 and it is not easy being a single parent. I would say he did an excellent job in bring up me and my siblings. He did great being a dad and a mum at a same time

8) What's the last book you read? (super random question)
Does comic counts? hahaha.. erm.. i don't really read books, except for psychology book. textbook that is. besides psychology book, i normally would read motivating books like 'who moved my cheese', 'the present' and 'the lamp'. but i don't really read books :D

9) What are your weaknesses and strengths?
oh.. i fumbled at this part.. haha.. i told them i rely quite heavily on first impression. and my strength i think i told them that i communicate well with others?

that's what i remember.. oh well.. shall be waiting for their reply

God Bless~

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