Monday, June 25, 2007


Study break officially started.. so bored today... today is the day to hand up our assignments..

i was actually planning to go watch a movie after handing up the assignment, but things just don't go as what i planned.. simply put, those who are free have their own plans, and those who are not free haven't completed their assignments yet..

so what to do? after handing up assignment, stay home and read book only lo.. oh by the way, before reading my book, i had an afternoon nap and had a sweet dream.. hahaha

anyway... after my nap, i read my psycho book.. study break ma.. it's given to us so we have time to STUDY.. hahaha.. i am reading the chapter about how to treat psychological disorders and one of them is called MODELING

it's pretty simple actually... modeling as it says means that people learn by observing the model. this can be used to treat phobias

e.g: a person who is scared of snake sees a therapist handles the snake(either live of taped) with no harm.. eventually the phobic person would have the courage to handle the snake too..
it helps them to overcome their fear cause they see that it is totally ok for the other person to do the same thing (Melamed & Siegel,1975; Shaw & Thoresen, 1974, cited in Smith 2003)

this modeling got me thinking about something. could it be that all the lovey-dovey movies out there are sending wrong signals about love to all the youngsters? of course me included in la huh.. what we see in the movies, the some what distorted image of love... is that one of the reasons why there are so many young people who are already in relationship??

something to think about before going to bed??

God Bless

Reference: Smith, E.E, Nolen-Hoeksama, S., Fredickson, B.L. & Loftus, G.R (2003). Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology, 14th Edition. USA. Thomson Wadsworth

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