Friday, March 18, 2011

Dream and Life

March 18th, 2011

These few days, I have been in a great dilemma for I know not what to do. At least now some progress is in place and I will eat, sleep dream about it so that it doesn't go to waste.

All of us dream. About wanting a nice family, nice girl/boyfriend, nice job, nice house, nice career etc. The question is, how many of us actually know what we really want in life and chase after it? To pursue what we want to do in life is perhaps the biggest dream all of us have.

Of course, as with everything, there are obstacles. The biggest obstacle to living a fulfilling life is don't know what to do with life, because when you know not what you want to do, you simply don't know how to achieve it. Even when one knows what to do, there are always obstacles such as financial, family responsibility, etc. and honestly speaking, I don't know which is better. To not know of one's purpose in life, or to know and yet not able to pursue it.

I guess I know of my dream and in trying to fulfill it, depletes my energy constantly. Searching for a postgrad course is a pain in the ass. Searching for a postgrad course and at the same time considering the scholarship possibility and fees is a pain in the ass and in the brain.

I can so dream of myself living outside of Malaysia. Living in a foreign country with the different environment. I don't know whether I would like it, but many years down the road, I am sure it will be a treasured memory. At the same time, I am worried about living outside of my comfort zone. What will happen to me without my favorite food (zhap fan)? XD

My dreams will surely be fulfilled, be it in Malaysia or overseas. Cuma kalau kat Malaysia, kurang glamor-LAH.

God Bless~

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