Friday, May 28, 2010


28th May 2010

Something is making my mind unsettled. Very unsettled actually. It's pretty scary how someone u know changed so dramatically to someone u never knew would become. i'm not going to put a value on whether it's good or bad, but it's rather suprising. so unexpected. probably more so when the things that i see appealing about this person is no longer visible to me due to the transformation. here's the million dollar question. Why should i care? it's not my life.

the million dollar answer? :)

i guess i should let people live as how they want. it's their life at the end of the day, not mine. I am at no position to impose what i think. nor can i say that my beliefs are right.

All i can hope for, is that people stay true to themselves while pursuing goals and dreams in life.

"Do not lose the innocence in you, for once you do, you lose yourself"
God Bless~


A_BIT said...

hello~ lol XD

Pig Ghost~~ said...

Wah bit.. u got read my blog de meh? XDXD gam sia gam sia.. lol