Saturday, January 19, 2008


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
I guess many of you guys knows about the story of Adam and Eve... Adam and Eve was created by God and they were asked not to eat the fruit at the middle of Garden of Eden.. But a serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit and then she gave it to Adam..
and so they were banished from the Garden of Eden..
and that was the beginning... or at least according to Christians believe..
However, today when i was reading Social Psych book, i came across something paradoxical(to the extend of being humourous) to the so called 'beginning'...
"In the beginning was not the word, not the deed, not the silly serpent. In the beginning was why? Why did she pluck the apple? Was she bored? Was she inquisitive? Was she paid? Did Adam put her up to it? If not, who did?"
(John le Carre, 1989, cited in Aronson, Wilson Akert, 2007)
hurmss.. in the beginning was the 'why?'... cool? kinda cool
God Bless~
Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D. & Akert, R. M. 2007. Social Psychology, Pearson Education, New


hotsweater said...

I have no reason to comment other than to say that I came across the exact same quote today in a Social Psychology textbook that surprisingly was not identical to yours. Looking up the quote, lo and behold, i find your blog and the desire to watch the Russia House. It's almost like finding the person with the car whose turn signal blinks at the exact same frequency as yours.

virtual high five?

Pig Ghost~~ said...

yeah man.. a virtual high five for sure..

you comment made my day.. it's always nice to see someone leaving a comment or two..

which book u reading? is it from Franzoi?

God Bless~

hotsweater said...

It' a class textbook by one E. Aronson and a host of other contributors. It's called Social Psychology: 3rd Cdn Ed. (Alway so inventive with the titles!) You lost me at Franzoi. "Reading" is a generous term--I think "skimmed" is more fair. Just how many of these things have you read?

Pig Ghost~~ said...

Oh.. i see i see.. Aronson as well? Nah.. i don't have a Franzoi book, but because my lecturer said we can get either Aronson or Franzoi

So i thought u might be having Franzoi... i don't read much too.. XD

where u from? maybe we can chat more in mails?

mine is

feel free to drop one..

God Bless~

hotsweater said...


Just to let you know, I attempted an e-mail with fingers crossed it got through. However, it's not coming from the hotsweater address, but instead: Keep your eyes open!