Saturday, September 5, 2009

Purpose of human

Have you ever thought what is the purpose of humans in this world?

Maybe you have given thought about why are u here, but why humans? Have you gave that a thought?

All animals exists for a reason, which is to balance the world. I believe that if humans were not to interfere, the system would be on a perfect balance and there would no be extinction nor over population of any certain species. ok la.. maybe there will be, but in time it will balance back itself. for example, if anteaters who eats.. well obviously ants, manage to almost wipe them out in an area, anteaters will go out of food for a period, and therefore they will die. when they do, there will be less anteaters and the ants population will start to grow again..

I think, humans now think that their purpose is survival. People would do many many terrible things just in order to survive and progress. War, deforestation, pollution etc.

but if you look back into the Bible (owhkay.. i not Bible expert so i hope i am not wrong here. Forgive me if i am yea), God created human and asked us to govern the His creation. by govern, i take it as taking care of the animals and the earth

but we are not taking very good care of it are we? instead of taking care of them, we only care about ourselves and in the process, we destroy them. maybe in the first place we would want to take good care of ourselves so that we can take good care of others, but i guess we lost sight of it.

now it's a dog eat dog world, where we don't even care for our fellow humans.


humans are over populating the world, and that's not the issue i guess. the issue is we are not taking good care of our world, and nature is coming back to get us. there are many many more 'natural disaster' (i put it in inverted commas because it's not really natural natural. rather it's caused by humans to a certain extent) these days like flood and draught which defies normal parameters.

maybe it's time nature comes back at us so that there will be less of us, then the world will go normal again? only time will tell and only God knows

be watchful therefore, for you know not what time does the Master comes knocking on the door

God Bless~