Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brain and Mind

Brain and mind.. are there differences between them? of course

brain is the physical lump you and i have in our skull.. whereas mind is our thought, ideas, or simply our 'thinking'

so how do the mind come about when it is not a physical entity? according to the law of physics, things can change form from energy to matter, or from matter to energy, while conserving the energy (meaning energy before transformation = energy after transformation).. something cannot come from nothing. something needs to come from something..

if this law of physics is true, then what forms our mind? from where did this something come from?

hmm.. interesting no? and the answer to this question is.... jeng jeng jeng..

i don't know.. that is what the biopsychologist and cognitive psychologist are finding out.. hehehe..

God Bless~

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